Mixology Monday With The Leveretts - Autumn Spice Pomegranate Sour

October 24, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Hey there!

Pomegranate season is short, but sweet. It runs mid September to November so we're right in the middle of it. We had to hop on board and decided to create an autumn tequila sour. We used a blend of cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and nutmeg and honestly this drink was a cozy treat. We hope you enjoy! As always, if you make any of our drinks, take a picture and share them with us online! Instagram ---> @staynfocusimages 

This recipe makes  1 drink. Let's get started!


Here's what you need:

For Optional Garnish
3-5 Pomegranate Arils

For Drink
1 1/4 oz. of pomegranate liqueur
1/2  oz. lemon juice

3/4 oz. Anejo Tequila
1 oz. of pomegranate juice
1 tsp agave nectar
2-3 dashes ginger bitters
1 egg white
1 tsp ground spice mixture (cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon)

You'll also need a shaker cup and a  rock's tumbler or coup glass.



Let's Make the Drink:

  1.  In shaker cup add:

    • Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (.5 oz.)

    • Egg White

    • Spice Mixture (1 tsp)

  2. Dry shake (no ice) for 30 seconds

  3. Add remaining Ingredients to shaker cup:

    • Pomegranate Liqueur (1.25 oz.)

    • Pomegranate Juice (1 oz.)

    • Anejo Tequila (.75 oz.)

    • Agave Nectar (1 tsp)

    • Ginger Bitters (2-3 dashes)

  4. Strain into tumbler or coup glass

  5. Garnish with dash of cinnamon and pomegranate arils if you like.

  6. Enjoy!

Mixology Monday - Spiced Pom Sour          Click to Play!

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If you want to make some memories, add some tequila.





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